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Victory in Jesus

Joshua 6: Where does your victory lie?

Thus far, we have walked through God’s provision for Israel to get them into the promised land and to prepare them for battle. Now, we see the first battle for Israel to overcome: the Battle of Jericho. However, we see that it’s not Israel’s battle at all; this is God’s battle, and He has already overcome it. In the first verses of the chapter, God says that he has already handed over Jericho to Israel before the battle has even begun. This is the hope that we have in the promises of God. If He has promised it, He has completed it. Now, we must understand that God did not provide this victory immediately or without work from Israel. He required them to wait a week and march around the city each day. This was a further test of Israel’s faith in God’s provision. They obeyed, and on the 7th day, the walls fell so that Israel could take the city. This took patience, obedience, and determination on Israel’s part. No, they did not cause the walls to fall, that was all God, but their obedience was what God required of them before He did it. This allowed the world (and Israel) to know that their victory only comes through God, while also showing that obedience and patience is what God requires of His people. So, what exactly can we learn from this story?

1. Calling is His

God calls His people to do great things. Everyone is called to different goals and paths, but they all work together for the purpose of God. He chose Israel and led them to this point. Everything from Abraham to Moses to Joshua was deliberately and purposefully designed by the Lord God for His good and His glory. In the same way, every part of your life has led you to where you are right here and now. He has purposefully and deliberately designed your life to lead you to this point. Why? For His good and His glory.

2. Salvation is His

A few chapters ago, we met Rahab. Now, we see the promise of salvation for Rahab come to completion. Whenever God promises deliverance or salvation, He ensures it. Rahab was saved the moment she trusted the Lord and hid the spies. The scarlet cord marked her as distinct and set apart from the people of Jericho. Those who trust in the Lord will be saved. This is the message of the Gospel and the entirety of the Bible. Everyone who turns from their path and puts their faith in God shall be saved. He is faithful to save.

3. Victory is His

This is the lesson that Israel learns when the walls fall, and they take the city. They have waited for decades to return to the land promised to them by God. Now, He has said that he HAS given (notice past tense) the city into Israel’s hand. This was not achieved by Israel when they took the city, this was achieved by God when He promised it to Abraham generations before. So, the victory God has promised you through Jesus was completed at the cross. You have victory in Jesus over death, sin, and this world. We may not see this victory come to complete fruition yet, but we know His promise and we see evidence of it throughout our lives. Our faith in God is grounded in His promises and sustained by the hope that we have in the truth of the Gospel.

I Heard An Old, Old Story, How A Savior Came From Glory, How He Gave His Life On Calvary To Save A Wretch Like Me; I Heard About His Groaning, Of His Precious Blood’s Atoning, Then I Repented Of My Sins And Won The Victory. O Victory In Jesus. My Savior, Forever, He Sought Me And Bought Me With His Redeeming Blood; He Loved Me Ere I Knew Him And All My Love Is Due Him, He Plunged Me To Victory, Beneath The Cleansing Flood.

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