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Stop, Look, and Listen

Joshua 8: Rules? But why, Dad?

Most of us are naturally predisposed to not like rules. I had someone tell me one time that “rules are meant for breaking”. While I’m not sure that’s ethically or logically founded, it's clear to see our natural inclination to hate rules. However, throughout the Bible, God’s law is His way of displaying His nature. It is also shown as the way to a right fellowship

with Him. Jesus makes the way and establishes our permanent relationship with God, but it is His law that brings and keeps us in a fellowship with Him.

So, we’ve recovered from Achan’s sin and Israel is back on track to conquer the promised land. God starts this passage with an encouragement to Joshua to not fear or be dismayed. He tells Joshua how to conquer the next city of Ai and tells Israel that He has already given it to them. So, Joshua conquers the city, destroys everything in it, and leaves it as a warning and a reminder. Immediately following the victory, Joshua reads the entire law of Moses so that all of Israel can hear.

Most of this is narrative, and very little of it is reflective of our lives today. I don’t know about you, but I won’t be conquering any cities anytime soon. So, what exactly can we find here to help us in our lives today? Let's look at what we see in this chapter.

First, we see that God Displays His Forgiveness.

The sin of Achan could have pushed Israel out of God’s good graces forever. After years of disobedience, and years of His patience, God could have thrown in the towel and chosen someone else. Israel turns from God time and time again, but He is always faithful to offer repentance and He displays His goodness and patience as He forgives them. So, immediately following the sin and judgement of Achan, God moves forward and stands by Israel as He leads them to conquer Ai.

We fall time and time again, but God is faithful and just to forgive our sins. Why? The same reason He forgives Israel. He loves us. We as Christians know that God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) He crossed the divide that we couldn’t and took on our sin to pay for it once and for all. God displays His forgiveness day after day for us, so we can live in light of His grace. We are His chosen people.

Second, we see that Obedience Determines Their Victory.

Now, while God is forgiving and patient, it is clear that He requires obedience. Israel didn’t see success until they purged themselves of the sinfulness of Achan and turned back to the Lord. Israel didn’t stop being His chosen people when Achan sinned, but their fellowship with Him was temporary broken and needed repair. This led to their failure at Ai (Chapter 7). However, once they repented and became obedient, God was faithful to stand beside them as they conquered the city.

We may not be conquering cities and burning walls down, but our obedience determines our victory. Life is a series of battles that we can only win with the help of the Lord. He will be faithful to stand beside us and fight for us, but our obedience is required. However, what are we to be obedient to?

Third, we see that His Law Directs Our Worship.

The Law of God, found in His written Word, is where we find guidance and instruction. Psalm 119 displays the Psalmist’s take on scripture and the Law. It truly is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Joshua follows up the victory with a public reading of the Law of God. He was bringing back a dedication to God’s law that had been somewhat lost. Joshua, like any good leader, knew that order and discipline are virtues.

God is a rational God, and He created an orderly universe. We see this reflected in His commands. There are clear right and wrongs, and we are commanded to follow His word to victory over sin. Humans are worshiping creatures, and the law directs our worship off this world and onto God. We are always worshiping something, and God’s word helps us to focus that worship on God alone. He is a loving God, but He is also a jealous God.

Main Point: Obedience and dedication to our Lord will lead us to a life victorious over sin and the troubles of this world.

I heard an old, old story, How a Savior came from glory, How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me; I heard about His groaning, Of His precious blood's atoning, Then I repented of my sins And won the victory. O victory in Jesus, My Savior, forever. He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.

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